Yes, it has become a bit of an orgy of Hungarian complaining, and that’s unfortunate. Let’s not do that, eh? Hungary’s a fine place to live when you’re fleeing the insatiable beast that is American cultural colonialism—a fact some Hungarians, however downtrodden they might be, would do well to remember.

‘Course now that I’m basically a Hungarian myself, I do appreciate it; if only in a whimsical, irreverent fashion that is becoming all too familiar! (:

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Beyond all the above mentioned advantages, Ligeti's music has a very practical, everyday use.

For example, if You have a mouse in the house, or maybe an inconvenient neighbour, the only thing You have to do is: put a Ligeti CD into the player, set the volume accordingly, and the problem solves itself quickly.

This is even more effective, than trying the same with Arnold Schönberg.

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